Using Hydroponic and Aquaponic Systems for Food Production under Water Scarcity Conditions and Climate Change Scenarios: A Review

Document Type : Review Article


1 Water Relations and Field Irrigation Department, Agricultural and Biological Research Institute, National Research Centre, 33 EL Bohouth St., Dokki, Giza, Egypt, Postal Code: 12622.

2 Vegetable Research Dept., Agricultural and Biological Research Institute, National Research Centre, 33 EL Bohouth St., Dokki, Giza, Egypt, Postal Code: 12622.


Climate change has made it necessary to adapt agricultural practices in novel ways in order to ensure food security, particularly in nations with limited water supplies. There has been a strong trend toward the use of soilless cultivation systems in general to maximize the utilization of available resources due to the scarcity of irrigation water, the high cost of fertilizers, and their limitations. The goal of this review article is to highlight the significance of using hydroponic and aquaponic systems as the best systems for sustainable food production under conditions of water scarcity and climate change. Aquaponics systems in particular to expand intensive fish production to meet the growing needs of animal protein, clean and sustainable vegetable production, which is in high demand with Rising living standards and increasing awareness of clean food consumption. The production of vegetables with the Aquaponics system requires many controls and good knowledge of many sciences, such as intensive Aquaculture, systems of cultivation without soil that can be converted to Aquaponics, and the types of filters used, whether mechanical or biological, and beneficial bacteria, microorganisms, water quality as well as its physical and chemical characteristics required for the growth of all organisms in the system. Thus, have a biological system that must be understood and known as the environmental conditions necessary for its growth in order to obtain a productive and sustainable economic system.


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