Evaluation of Sunflower Genotypes for Yield and Quality Parameters under Well-Water Stressed and Non Water Stressesd Environment

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Sindh Agriculture University, Tando jam Hyderabad Sindh, Tandojam, Pakistan

2 Agriculture Research Center, Tandojam, Sindh, Pakistan


Helianthus annuus L., a cultivated sunflower is very popular field crop for its quality in providing edible oil. Its seed contains 48-58% oil and 88% mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fatty acids. In this experiment twenty sunflower genotypes were used like Corolla, Peshwar-93, Albania, FMC-0046, HO-1, PFS-025, Melabour, Charnika, Thatta, SH-3915, UC-666, A-2, TJ-1, N-17, Turkish,  A-1, Ausi-gold, Mehran, ST-2 and B-2 through which genetically diverse characters and sources were evaluated and analyzed  under well watered and water stressed conditions. By taking the calculation of mean squares revealed that irrigation treatments produced considerable impact on agronomic, seed yield and oil traits. Hence Genotypes performed significantly different for most of the yield and oil traits whereas, interaction of treatments with genotypes were also noteworthy for most of the characters other than days taken to 75% flowering and 75% maturity and stem diameter, inferring that genotypes responded variably under water stress conditions. Such interactions indicated that some genotypes may be picked-up which performed better in well watered, water stressed conditions and may be selected for both the environments simultaneously For different characters, female inbreds viz.  Ho.1, Mehran and Thatta whereas from male parents UC-666 and B-2 recorded high performance early maturity, seed yield, oil and protein% in both the environments. Therefore such male and female inbreds may be involved in breeding programmes to develop potential breeding material with improved agronomic, oil and protein characters.
