Impact of Compost Tea Types Application on Germination, Nodulation, Morphological Characters and Yield of Two Lentil Cultivars

Document Type : Original Article


1 1)Crop Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Menoufia University, Menoufia, Egypt

2 Agricultural Microbiology Department, Soils, Water and Environment Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Giza, Cairo, Egypt


LABORATORY and field experiments were performed at Crop Science Laboratory and the Experimental Farm, respectively, Faculty of Agriculture, Menoufia University, Shebin El-Kom, Egypt, in order to evaluate the response of germination and seedling characters, nodulation, growth, nutrients uptake and yield of two lentil cultivars (Giza 4 and Family 29) to application of various compost tea types prepared from different agricultural residues (sugarcane bagasse, cotton stalk and rice straw) and their grades based on particles size (unfractionated, relatively coarse and fine). Application of compost tea includes twice ways applied together, i.e. seed priming before sowing and foliar application during growth periods (25 and 55 days after sowing). Results showed that Giza 4 significantly surpassed Family 29 for all parameters except germination %. Giza 4 outweighed Family 29 by 19.36 and 11.30% for seed yield/fad in first and second seasons, respectively. The compost tea types produced from the finest particles size (0.6-1mm) of the cotton stalk or rice straw compost revealed maximum values of germination and seedling characters, nodulation, growth, chlorophyll, NPK contents, yield and protein%. The interactions between lentil cultivars and compost tea were found to be significant for studied characters. It could be concluded that treated Giza 4 with compost tea produced from finest particles size (0.6-1mm) of cotton stalk or rice straw compost was found to be the best combination treatment for enhancing germination, nodulation, growth and productivity of lentil, indicating the importance of compost tea application to maximize lentil productivity.


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